Category Archives: Blog

Travel Friendly Energy Bars: Recipes for Everyone

Not all energy bars are created equal, and unless you can decipher what’s on the labels, chances are you could be making better choices. Whether you’re crammed in a car, on a plane or aboard a train, you don’t have to be an athlete to understand the importance of proper nutrition to make the most…
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A Very Florida Christmas

With the holidays upon us, many people are dreaming of warmer weather to accompany their festivities. There’s the flight delays, the hazards of driving on slippery roads, the misery of stuffy noses, tissue piles and then some. But what if we could trade all that icy scrambling in for a vacation with 80-degree winter forecasts…
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Traveling With Disabilities

Fortunately, in the past few years, the travel industry has become more accessible for all types of people, including those with disabilities. However, you can never be certain if a hotel is going to have large enough doorways for a wheelchair, or if a particular destination has copious amounts of hilly walking -- so we've…
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