Monthly Archives: January 2013

D.C.’s Secret Landmarks

While certain cities come to mind when words like “eccentric” or “weird” are mentioned, Washington, D.C. is generally not at the top of that list. Those words are reserved for the voodoo of New Orleans or towns with names and histories like Black Cat, Arkansas. However, there is more to see in D.C. than the…
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America’s Strangest Summer Celebrations

Start planning your summer trips now to get the best deals and the most options out of all of the major summertime vacation hotspots, and start with these unique and really fun summer celebrations across America. Have a Possum Summer - If you’ve got a hankerin’ for some under-appreciated vittles you can rekindle that acquired…
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New Year’s Eve in the Big Apple

By far the biggest and most televised New Year's celebration in America is undeniably the 70-foot ball drop at midnight in glistening, confetti-caked New York City's Times Square! While everyone back home is glued to the TV counting down in their PJs with Ben & Jerry's, your travel group can be right in the middle…
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