Screamer's Park
Welcome to Daytona Beach's Screamer's Park, the new thrill center located on the beautiful Daytona Beach Boardwalk. Here you will find 2 extremely exhilarating rides, the Daytona Slingshot and the Vomatron (sounds promising, right?).
The Daytona Slingshot is 'one of the most heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping, exhilarating thrill ride experiences in Central Florida'. This ride will tilt you back, lower you into 'the volcano', then catapult you 365 feet up into the air. You will experience complete weightlessness as you soar up to 100 mph, experiencing 3-5 g's! Not only is this super thrilling, but if you can stand to look around, it also provides super amazing Daytona Beach views.
The Vomatron is the first ride of it's kind, boasting 6 powerful motors and a 165-foot arm. Experience rotations up to 70 mph, up to 4 gs! Once you get over the thrill/fear of doing this ride forward, it will take you through the cycle again in reverse! The Vomatron has been dubbed 'the ride astronauts feared'.
Once you've gotten your thrills head to Screamers Bar for some water, soda, or adult beverages, then explore the rest of the Daytona Beach Boardwalk.