Strawberry Hill Museum and Ethnic Center
If you are interested in ethnic culture, the Strawberry Hill Museum in Kansas City is the place for you to explore. The museum is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the Slavic heritage that is prevalent in the Kansas City area. The location displays several different ethnic cultures that immigrants from Eastern Europe have brought to Kansas City, Kansas during the early 1900s. There are fascinating exhibits on display with themes such as music, art, and dance.
At the Strawberry Hill Museum, there are exhibits that represent countries such as Croatia, Ukraine, the Netherlands, and Slovakia. The displays consist of artifacts such as costumes, books, pictures, toys, jewelry, linens, crystal, and hand-carved wooden items. The Pope’s Bed Exhibit is one of the displays at the museum. John Paul II was considered to be a man of courage and stamina. The exhibit has bed linens and other articles from the pope when he traveled with TWA on his third trip to the United States.
Prior to its opening, the location of the museum was a house and later became an orphanage. The original house was considered to be one of the most outstanding examples of the Queen Anne style to have been erected in the area. The interior of the house was beautifully constructed. It had leaded glass windows, beautifully crafted woodwork, tile faced fireplaces, and the use of lincrusta wall coverings. Visitors will have the opportunity to see the restored rooms of the original Victorian home as part of the experience.