Travel Reviews that Will Make you Laugh

Our agents have been hard at work keeping up with current online reviews on attractions our groups are interested in traveling to, ensuring that each location is as safe and fun as it sounds. This is an easy thing to keep an eye on in today's social media savvy world, with such websites as Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Foursquare connecting reviewers and reviewees in an instant.

Today you can go out to eat, stay at a hotel, or just head to a new bar and write a review about it online right afterward, giving future guests a heads up on the true pros and cons of each place. Sometimes, however, those true pros and cons can be quite hilarious and not really very helpful at all.

This is not a list of helpful travel tips you can find online, this is a list of funny travel reviews found online by our agents. Enjoy!

Maybe going extreme budget-friendly wasn't the best idea...

“The balcony was being held up by just one nail”. – Hotel in Panama City Beach

We prefer unused foods, ourselves.

“Lots of street vendors selling used foods here”  – Neighborhood in San Francisco

Bugs?! In a National Park?!

“There are bugs and stuff and they will bite you on the face”. - Sequoia NP

Well, sharing is caring...

“A goth-looking girl in a Mao revolution uniform kept staring at us, presumably since our waffles looked better than hers” – Hotel breakfast in Los Angeles

We hope that 0.368th member had a very full life.

“I found already 10.368 members of my ancestors”. – a Genealogy library

Not a great way to start an adventure...

“The smell of pain permeates the whole hotel.” – Hotel in Los Angeles

What will you actually do with it, then?

“The chocolate cake was too chocolatey to actually eat.” – Restaurant in Washington DC



Washington D.C, a place of democracy, history, and of epic chocolate milk fights.

“When we arrived, the curtains were covered in a weird liquid that me and my friends all thought was blood, we later found out by some staff that the previous people who had stayed in the hotel had a chocolate milk fight.”  – Hotel in Washington DC

This will definitely ruin a trip.

 "The beach was too sandy." Beach in Florida

They have really got to get that whole Dana/Tina thing worked out.

“I spoke with Dana on the phone but maybe her name is Tina cause that's what her name tag said.”  – Hotel in Tennessee

If Sam's happy, we're all happy!

“The staff all seem happy with the place even Sam the Gardener…” - Hotel in Nashville

Allergins, beware!

“If you have dust allergies, just take a look at the heaters and weep. Seriously, you don't even need to turn it on, You'll get the sniffles just by looking at it.” – Hotel in Arizona

We aren't sure if this is good or bad...

“Like walking into and through a wedding cake…” – Building in San Francisco

If you find a hotel to bring you a lava lamp and fish, you should never check out!

"Room service even brought us a complimentary pet fish and lava lamp "– Hotel in Nashville

Because what do you expect at Carlsbad Caverns?

"Unless you find big caves and rocks overwhelmingly fascinating then skip this." - Carlsbad Caverns

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